"Constellations: Ways I Felt, Things I Made" by Shay Hendricks
Photo by Anthony Patterson
Feb. 8, 2021 - March 8, 2021
Durham Art Guild
800 Taylor St, Durham, NC 27701
“Those Who See;” acrylic, newspaper, craft paper.
Exhibition statement: The Durham Art Guild and the Black On Black Project presents "Constellations: Ways I Felt, Things I Made" featuring new works by 2020-21DAG/Black On Black Project Artist-in-Residence, Shay Hendricks.
“Constellations: Ways I Felt, Things I Made” is a visual origin story about Hendricks. This exhibition reflects the initial thoughts and early stages of the artistic process as Hendricks works through figuring out a pathway to discuss issues of the day. This body of work includes sketches, notes, journal entries and works in progress. The exhibition lends viewers an intimate, insightful and open look into how work is manifested from mind to matter.
Due to COVID-19, this exhibition is viewable by appointment only and will need to be scheduled in advance. Guests will also need to follow our safety protocols during their visit. To set up an appointment viewing and for a list of safety protocols, contact gallerydirector@durhamartguild.org.
Virtual Community conversation
Thursday, Feb. 11, 7 p.m. RSVP here
Join artist Shay Hendricks for a conversion about their latest solo exhibition "Constellations: Ways I Felt, Things I Made." The exhibition, which is on view at the Durham Art Guild, is a look into the many thoughts that manifest while Hendricks’ creates work that address issues like chaos, violence and white supremacy. Hendricks will be joined in the conversation by artist Anthony Patterson. Watch the conversation live on Black On Black Project’s Facebook page: facebook.com/blackonblackproject.