Dare COulter
"Right before we fly"
March 3 - March 31 | anchorlight
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Exhibition statement: In this life we start from scratch. We cast our trajectory and take off into the world to see who and what we will become. Before we take that leap, anything is possible. But as we prepare to jump we are faced with the voices of others telling us who we can and cannot be. This is an ode to the moment before our toes leave the ground, where the impossible doesn't exist and we remember that we don't have to limit ourselves because someone else couldn't fathom a dream so big. #RightBeforeWeFly
"Right Before We Fly" is a sculptural installation and the first exhibition created through the Jo Ann Williams Artist Fellowship. The fellowship provides studio space and resources to emerging artists. Learn more about the fellowship here.
Exhibition video teaser
"Black Women in the Arts" Panel Discussion

Photos from "Right Before We Fly" opening

Photos by Beth Mann